Canon Ambassador Marc Albiac travelled 3,500km with three friends to the beaches of the southern Iberian Peninsula to try to find the elusive chameleon. "We were lucky and saw three different chameleons," he recalls. Taken on a Canon EOS 5D Mark III (now succeeded by the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV) with a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM lens at 1/320 sec, f/2.8 and ISO200. © Marc Albiac
Canon Ambassador Marc Albiac's artistic ability and fieldcraft skills have seen him achieve world-class nature shots from an early age, including an image that turned the heads of the Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition judges when he was just 14 years old.
Born in 1999 in Barcelona, Spain, Marc was just five when he first picked up a Canon PowerShot G2. By the age of seven, he was making his own images with his father's Canon EOS 30D. His dad, a keen photographer, encouraged Marc's fledgling talent.
"When I was a child, even before I started to walk, I used to go with my parents to the mountains to try to see ibex, chamois and other animals," says Marc. "My father liked photographing them, so when I became older, I started to use his old cameras and began learning from him. Almost all I know is thanks to my father and what he has taught me over the years, and of course practising every time I had the chance in the field."